Saturday, November 17, 2012

Day 7: Name

"You are disgusting."
"You look ridiculous in that."
"You could never pull that off."
"God you're fat."

Marsha says those things to me. Not every day, but most days. She tells me how terrible I look, how impossible it will be to find clothes that fit well, how silly a certain fashion would look on my body. She hates me. She is mean to me. She makes me feel like shit.

Marsha is my inner critic, and I'm calling her out.

"Marsha, I look amazing."
"Marsha, I look so cute in this."
"Marsha, I don't care what you think, I will rock this."
"Marsha, just because my body is fat doesn't mean it's bad."

What is your inner critic's name? What will you say to shut that bitch up?

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